ASA Affiliate School Listing Guidelines now features better tools for visitors to find an ASA sailing school, including Search by City, State or Zipcode.

The new school listings also include an entire page for each ASA Affiliate School, see examples. This page has been designed to help your school promote itself on the ASA website by including photos, social media links, testimonials, a list of sailing related services you offer, a map of your location, your contact information, and more.

If a new Affiliate or an Affiliate updating an existing entry, please review the following information and note the submission procedure at the end.


Here are some good examples of ASA Affiliate School Listings:


Example Sailing School Description
This is your opportunity to sell your school to prospective new customers.
  • What makes your school unique?
  • Why should a customer choose your school over another?
  • Where is your school located? What are the typical sailing conditions
  • How much experience do your instructors have?
  • What type of boats are available?
We recommend writing at least 300 words to make use of the available space on the school listing page.


Example Sailing School Featured Image & Gallery

Each school listing includes 1 featured image as well as a gallery of 5-20 pictures.

The featured image should have a 2:1 aspect ratio and the ideal resolution is 1200 pixels wide x 600 pixels high. This feature image appears on the school listing page as well as in the school listings, i.e. search results.

For the gallery we recommend having at least 5 pictures. These pictures can have any aspect ratio but we recommend that the longest dimension is 1200 pixels to ensure the best possible user experience.

We strongly recommend that you upload your photos to our DropBox account - simply click here. We also recommend that you provide captions for your images.

Note: By submitting images to ASA, you confirm that you have the legal right or appropriate permission to use and submit these images. Please also ensure that all submitted images are free from any watermarks or logos.

Contact Information

Example Sailing School Contact Information

Make sure you provide your phone number, e-mail, and links to social media pages. For your location, we recommend you specify where your sailing lessons are taught even if your business is not located at the same location. Remember, this page is designed for your customers not ASA so you should provide information about the location that your students will be visiting.

Sailing Services

Example Sailing School Services

You should list all of the ASA Courses that you offer – it will be possible for visitors to search for schools that teach a specific course and you don’t want to be left out, especially for the less common courses that are only taught by a small number of schools.

There is also an opportunity to list other sailing services that you offer, once again it will be possible for visitors to search for schools that offer a particular service so don’t get left out. Below is the list of other sailing services you can choose from, if there are services you offer that are not on this this then please let us know and if we feel like it’s something ASA visitors will be interested in then we’ll add it.

  • Women Only Courses
  • Couples Courses
  • Private Courses
  • Weekday Courses
  • Weekend Courses
  • Sailing Vacations Abroad
  • Corporate Team Building Courses
  • ASA 'Challenges'
  • Summer Camps for Kids
  • Sailboat Charters (public)
  • Sailboat Charters (member-only)
  • Sunset Cruises
  • Sailboat Cruises
  • Racing Courses
  • Sail Trim Courses
  • Spinnaker Courses


Example Sailing School Testimonials

These can be very important when people are considering using your school. The School listing page includes an opportunity for you to highlight 5 testimonials. Each testimonial includes:

  • the name of the customer, we usually recommend just a first name, or an initial and last name.
  • a 250 character testimonial snippet with a link to the complete review on your website, or on a 3rd party website such as Yelp, Trip Advisor, etc.
  • A star rating (1-5 stars)
  • The ASA Course that the student passed.

We strongly recommend providing as much of this information as possible as to make the testimonial as authentic as possible.

Google Map

Example Sailing School Map

We are using an embedded Google Map to show the location of your school. Our policy is to only show the map if your school's location is listed on Google Maps (learn more) since this provides the best user experience.

Need to Update or Enter Your New Listing?

Simply send an e-mail to with the new listing or changes.

Please make sure you clearly specify which school you represent. If you are attaching images make sure the total size of the email is less than 10Mb otherwise it might be rejected. Feel free to use a service such as dropbox for sharing media if you prefer.