Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Resources

By: Weather

UPDATE:  This Hurricane season has already wreaked havoc on sailors and the American Sailing family.  Hurricane Fiona affected Puerto Rico and Hurricane Ian crossed over Florida and the Carolinas.  While some of our schools were sparred heavy damage others are trying to make their way back to business as they attempt to assess the heavy damage to their boats and marinas.  American Sailing will support these sailing schools in any way we can.

As sailors, hurricane season is always in the back of our minds. There is no escaping the threat that we all feel both personally and tangentially when our friends and associates are in the path of these massive storms. No amount of words can describe how we felt after watching the images from the Bahamas and from some of our schools.

Hurricanes repeatedly affect our friends and family in the ASA community. As the peak of hurricane season is upon us, we felt this was an excellent time to share some critical information about hurricane preparedness and how best to manage through these difficult times.

The more information you have, the better.

Hurricane Preparedness Resources

  • Hurricane Preparedness at
    Ready is a National public service campaign designed to educate and empower the American people to prepare for, respond to and mitigate emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the campaign is to promote preparedness through public involvement.
  • Safety Tips From The National Weather Service
    The Nationa Weather service provides information on hurricane watches and warnings, planning for a hurricane, and how to deal with the aftermath of a hurricane. Their website is chockful of resources to help prepare for a hurricane.

Need Help?

Take a look at the Federal Disaster website for insight into Federal programs that can assist you immediately.

Check here for Hurricane Fiona resources from FEMA 

Check here for Hurricane Ian resources from FEMA 

How Can You Help?

Join a volunteer organization that assists during national disasters. National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) operate in conjunction with the federal government to help during natural disasters.

Donate time or money? If you have items to donate, time to volunteer in support of a nonprofit, or cash to give and have questions, email the FEMA Donations Unit

Support the American Red Cross. The American Red Cross works with local officials and their own local shelters to provide assistance during disasters. You can find more info on their hurricane programs here: